Hawaiian Grilled Cheese Sandwich

If you're looking for an easy picnic sandwich that packs a flavorful punch, look no further than the Italian Picnic Sandwich. This delicious sandwich is a great way to enjoy a picnic.


– 8 tbsp butter – 8 slices hawaiian sweet bread (or any other sweet bread) – 8 slices cheddar – 4 slices provolone cheese – 8 pineapple rings (you can use canned) – 1 cup teriyaki sauce

Lay the bread slices on your working surface and spread them with butter on one side. Place a non-stick pan on a medium heat and add one bread slice in the middle of the pan with the buttered side down.

On the bread add one slice of cheddar cheese, one slice of provolone cheese, another slice of cheddar cheese, two pineapple rings and brush all that with teriyaki sauce.

Cover the sandwich with another buttered bread slice, placing it with the buttered side out. Cook for a minute or two on the one side that flip the sandwich and cook on the other side until it gets crispy and the cheese has melted. Repeat the process for all the sandwiches.

When it comes to easy picnic sandwiches, the Hawaiian Grilled Cheese is a classic.